The story of Pixies Production Inc. can only be told after first telling the story of two brothers:
Bud and Rad Blazer. As children, Bud and Rad were always interested in acting and constantly video
taped their skits with their first VHS video camera. As they grew, the two brothers began to write,
act in, and direct larger video projects. In 2000, Bud and Rad's first episodic video series, "Pixies," was
created. The "Pixies" videos were a mixture of bizarre and random skits characterized by no post production
editing and only in-camera cuts. With the recruitment of one of their cousins, Bud and Rad formed their first
production team. Together, the relatives created over a dozen videos in the "Pixies" series and began to
branch out into much larger and more complex projects. Unfortunately, due to family conflicts, the team became
separated and Bud and Rad became a pair once again. With the loss of their third production member, the brothers
retired the "Pixies" series and began to move into more traditional types of acting and editing. After
acquiring editing, audio, and video equipment, Bud and Rad began creating video projects on almost a weekly
basis. They eventually began to take on and complete several feature length independent projects of their own creation over the next
few years and even found public outlets for their work at several film festivals and screenings. In 2005,
the brothers decided upon the name of their production company. Taking notice of their humble beginnings, Bud and Rad created
"Pixies Production Inc." in honor of their first video series. Since it's creation in 2005, Pixies Production Inc. has continued to push
the limits of low budget independent video production. Today, Bud and Rad continue to work on feature length projects when
not creating online content for communities like youtube, myspace, and crackle. With the help of trusted individuals,
Bud and Rad have been able to lead Pixies Production Inc. into the company it's become today- striving to bring
hilarious content to anyone around the world...